謎面:腦袋小來頸兒長,脖子一抬頭過梁,沒有聲帶不說話,身上穿件花衣裳。 (打一動物)
Riddle: small head to neck long neck, a head lintel, no vocal cords do not speak, wearing a flower dress. (beat an animal)
Answer: Giraffe
謎面:兩塊瓦片蓋間房,里邊住個大白娘,住房不為防風雨,為躲敵人把身藏。 (打一動物)
Riddle: two piece of tile houses, living inside a big white Niang, housing is not to prevent rain, to hide the enemy hiding. (beat an animal)
Answer: mussel
謎面:紅領圈兒小黑襖,尾巴尖尖像剪刀,飛上藍天剪云彩,捕捉害蟲喂寶寶。 (打一動物)
Riddle: red collar son black jacket, pointed tail like scissors, flying shear clouds, to catch insects to feed your baby. (beat an animal)
Answer: Swallow
謎面:大將軍披頭散發,怒吼一聲驚雷炸,喜吃羚羊和斑馬,獸中之王要數它。 (打一動物)
Riddle: General unkempt, a roar of thunder like to eat fried, antelopes and zebras, king of beasts to it. (beat an animal)
Answer: Lion
謎面:尖長耳朵短尾巴,羊兒糞來老鼠牙,青青野草最愛吃,每胎兒女過半打。 (打一動物)
Riddle: long pointed ears and a short tail, sheep dung to mouse teeth, green grass favorite, more than half of children per child play. (beat an animal)
Answer: Rabbit
謎面:身子只有一寸長,毛毛細刺身上長,若不小心碰到手,哎喲疼得準喊娘。 (打一動物)
Riddle: was only an inch long, fine drizzle sashimi long, if accidentally touched his hand, oh pain quasi shout niang. (beat an animal)
Answer: thorn caterpillar
謎面:一位森林好醫生,到處敲門去訪問,不給藥來不打針,敲敲打打就治病。 (打一動物)
Riddle: a forest around the good doctor, knocking at the door to access, do not give medicine injections, hammering illness. (beat an animal)
Answer: woodpecker
謎面:腦袋尖尖像利劍,身體彎彎如鐮刀,平時愛穿鐵青衣,碰見熱湯換紅袍。 (打一動物)
Riddle: head like a sword sharp, curved body such as sickle, usually love to wear iron red soup for Tsing Yi met. (beat an animal)
Answer: Shrimp
謎面:空中一隊兵,哼哼不住聲,棍棒都不怕,就怕煙火熏。 (打一動物)
Riddle: Air Army, hum sound, sticks are not afraid, afraid of fireworks. (beat an animal)
Answer: Mosquitoes